Online Accounting Firm For Corporate Tax Preparation


Accounting and taxes can be scary and overwhelming. If this is your first time filing a corporate tax return you may not know where to begin, what you can deduct, or even when your deadlines are. Even scarier are the potential penalties CRA could impose for late filings or the risk of being audited by CRA. At CPA4IT we are an online accounting firm that has spent decades developing a system designed to make the filing of your corporate taxes as simple as possible and we back up our work with audit representation protection

How our corporate tax process helps

We have been tirelessly making improvements to refine the process of preparing and filing your corporate tax returns. It is designed to be as easy as possible, while simultaneously reducing audit risk and reducing your corporate tax obligations for over 35 years. Our process is constantly improving and we take feedback from our large group of clients to make the process better every year. Our Process leverages technology and a professional team that has worked together for decades to provide you with a process that is easy and provides you with the peace of mind you are looking for.

Our first step is to provide the tools and the training necessary to help you prepare the information we need to file your tax return.

Once we have received your information, we run through an 8 stage (externally audited process) to prepare, review, and analyze your financial statements.

Once a final package is prepared, your account manager will schedule a meeting to review, interpret and explain your financial information before we submit your tax return to the CRA. This review will include a review of your current financial statements with a comparison and analysis of any variances against prior period, an industry benchmark analysis to show you how you compare to the average and the median of our large database of clients and a personal net worth assessment designed to identify where you are now, what your goals for financial success are and a path to achieve those goals.

How an online accounting firm helps

When we started our Accounting Practice in 1984, the technology that was available for the preparation of bookkeeping, accounting, and tax flings, were very limited. We were literally working with an Osborne 64k Portable laptop which was the latest technology of the times. However, today fin-tech has evolved incredibly. You can snap a picture of a receipt with your cellphone, have it automagically uploaded into your accounting software and with Optical character recognition, it will match the receipt to your bank account or credit card without having to lift a finger.

Cloud accounting software can do the heavy lifting so you can spend your time on other important business tasks. Connect your bank accounts and credit cards, sync transactions and access operational data from anywhere. If your accounting is taken care of, you can spend the time you save doing things you like, like scaling and growing your bottom line.

By leveraging the latest accounting technology including Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and natural language processing. We have been able to create an accounting and tax workflow that is easy to learn, easy to do and dare I say fun.

Even if you chose not to use any of the bookkeeping automation tools we recommend. As an online accounting firm we will still be able to leverage cloud technology to provide you with automated deadline reminders, checklists and internal workflows that will ensure your taxes are filed on time and accurately.

Pay Less Tax

A great small business tax accountant does more than just measure value, they create it. At CPA4IT our goal is to save you substantially more than it costs you for our services. Over the last 30 years we have developed tax strategies designed to help you keep more of your hard earned money. If you would like to learn how we can help you pay less tax, simply download our FREE Guide to Pay Less Tax.

Book A Free Consultation

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Pay Less Tax

A great small business tax accountant does more than just measure value, they create it. At CPA4IT our goal is to save you substantially more than it costs you for our services. Over the last 30 years we have developed tax strategies designed to help you keep more of your hard earned money. If you would like to learn how we can help you pay less tax, simply download our FREE Guide to Pay Less Tax.